“We work in the nonprofit sector to make a difference. To create an impact. To solve a problem. To transform people’s lives.”
- Sunil Oommen
Experience Prior to Oommen Consulting

Senior Director of Development

Managing Director of Major Gifts

Director of Development

Development Director

Major Gifts Officer

Senior Manager of Corporate Giving

Senior Account Executive

Communications Coordinator
My Story
Some time ago I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps by becoming an entrepreneur. He was a role model for me: an immigrant from India who started his own delivery business in the Bronx in the early 1980s. He worked hard and very long hours at his business for thirty years. Together with my amazing mother, who was the pioneer in our family by being the first to come to the U.S. on her own, he succeeded in providing his children with love, values, and extraordinary educational opportunities that allowed us to flourish.
With that inspiration in mind—and motivated by devastating political environments for marginalized communities around the world—I am committed to offering superior consulting services to nonprofits and corporations that make a positive and lasting difference in people’s lives, shape public policy for the betterment of all, and keep the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice.

Honors and Associations
2019 Nonprofit
Excellence Awards
Selected as a judge for this prestigious awards program, managed by Nonprofit New York (formerly NPCC), New York Community Trust, and media sponsored by WNYC
2014 American Express
NGen Fellowship Program
Selected as one of 12 nonprofit leaders from across the U.S. for this competitive leadership development program run by Independent Sector for innovative and accomplished leaders under age 40
Association of Fundraising
Professionals (AFP)
Board Member, New York City Chapter
Won the 2016 Charles R. Stephens Excellence in Diversity Award from AFP International for producing a professional development session on the responsible engagement of communities of color in philanthropy
South Asian Americans
Leading Together (SAALT)
National Board Member

former 16-year President of A Better Chance